Universitat Rovira i Virgili



Development Workshop:



Data speakers:
- Núria Bosch (UB): http://www.ieb.ub.edu/5-nuria-bosch-roca#.VOw5fi4V5wg
Awarded her doctoral degree by the University of Barcelona. Currently full-university professor at the Department of Public Economics, Political Economics and Spanish Economics, member of the Governing Council of the Institut d'Economia de Barcelona (IEB) and director of the Chair for Fiscal Federalism of the University of Barcelona. Her research focuses on fiscal federalism, inter-territorial fiscal balances and efficiency analysis. She has worked in areas relating to fiscal balances and regional funding.

- Àngel de la Fuente (FEDEA): http://www.fedea.net/angel-de-la-fuente/
Awarded his doctoral degree in Economics by the University of Pennsylvania, where received the award for the best doctoral thesis. He then joined the Institute of Economic Analysis of the Spanish Scientific Research Council, where he is a tenured scientist and has held the post of assistant director. He is a researcher for the CESIfo Group Munich, a member of the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics, executive editor of the Revista d'Economia Aplicada (Journal of Applied Economics) and has been a senior member of the European Expert Network on the Economics of Education. He has also worked as a consultant for the World Bank, OECD, the European Commission and various Spanish administrations. His research focuses on economic growth and regional growth.

- Elisenda Paluzie (UB): https://elisendapaluzie.wordpress.com/
Awarded her doctoral degree by the University of Barcelona and her master’s degree by the University of Yale. Member of the Centre for Economic Analysis and Social Policies (CAEPS) and tenured professor at the Department of Economic Theory of the University of Barcelona. She is currently dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Barcelona. Her research focuses on international commerce, regional economics and fiscal federalism.

- José Vicente Rodríguez (U. Edinburgh): http://www.sevirodriguezmora.com/
Awarded his doctoral degree in Economics by the MIT. He has worked at the Pompeu Fabra University and the University of Southampton and is currently a full university professor at the Department of Economics of the University of Edinburgh. He is also a researcher for the CESIfo Group Munich, the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) and the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA). His research focuses on human resources and political economy.


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