Universitat Rovira i Virgili

3rd PhD Workshop on Industrial and Public Economics (WIPE), 12th-13th February 2015

Conferences  - 

WIPE will include about 16 presentations and plenary sessions with one keynote speaker (Xavier Vives, IESE, Barcelona). Papers to be presented must fit into topics of Industrial and Public Economics like, among others, Environmental Economics, Regional Economics, and Markets and Institutions. There are not workshop fees, but attendants should cover their own travel and accommodation expenditures.

Local Organizing Committee

Bernd Theilen (CREIP-URV), Ricardo Flores-FIllol (CREIP-URV), and Eulàlia Torner (CREIP’s staff).


Scientific Committee

Bernd Theilen (CREIP-URV), Ricardo Flores-FIllol (CREIP-URV), Josep-Maria Arauzo-Carod (CREIP-URV), António Osório (CREIP-URV), José Manuel Giménez-Gómez (CREIP-URV), and Mercedes Teruel (CREIP-URV).


Paper Submission Procedure

Extended Abstracts of proposed papers (between 500 and 1,000 words) should be submitted electronically in PDF format by emailing to creip(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat by 25 November 2014, along with the name, affiliation and contact details of the author(s). The deadline for notification of acceptance of abstracts is by 16 December 2014.


Full Papers (in the region of 8,000 words) of accepted abstracts should be submitted in Word or PDF format by 13 January 2015 to be included in the final workshop program. The front page of the document should include the title, authors, affiliations, contact details, and a short abstract.


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