Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Studies about the impact of recent economic crises

Article  - 

López-Bazo, E. and Teruel, M. (2023): "Editorial introduction: Studies about the impact of recent economic crises", Applied Economic Analysis

Empirical economic analyses allow to feed these reasoning and models and validate or refute their predictions. In addition, the increase in the quantity and quality of economic data, together with the development of empirical methods that, for example, make it possible to advance in the identification of causal effects, means that applied economics exercises provide increasingly informative and reliable evidence for decision-making and assessment of policy interventions. In short, the contributions of the field of applied economics are today more important than ever due to the need to shed light on the real drivers and consequences of (socio)economic phenomena.

This introduction to the special issue address two articles of unquestionable academic and social interest. Firstly, the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the job prospects of the population, especially in the case of the most vulnerable groups. Secondly, the effect of the variation in housing wealth on consumption. Considering the important consequences that the most recent housing crisis had in different Western economies - in the broader context of the Great Recession - and in the face of a possible new decrease in house prices in the near future, it is undoubtedly interesting to know the relationship between housing wealth and consumption in a country such as Spain. Both topics represent relevant topics in terms of academic and also policy level.

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Mercedes Teruel