Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Spatial patterns of built structures co-determine nations’ level of resource demand

Article  - 

Duro, J.A., Pérez-Laborda, A., Löw, M., Matej, S., Plank, B., Krausmann, F., Wiendenhofer, D. and Haberl, H. (2024): "Spatial patterns of built structures co-determine nations’ level of resource demand", Journal of Industrial Technology

While it's known that the layout of cities affects their resource use, the role of settlement and infrastructure patterns in determining national-level material use hasn't been explored due to a lack of data. This study systematically examines a wide range of drivers influencing national per-capita material demand, considering both production- and consumption-based indicators. Alongside traditional indicators like GDP, the analysis introduces eight new indicators representing the extent and patterns of settlements and transport infrastructure in each country. Covering 123 countries with 91% of the world's population and 92% of global GDP, the study reveals that built structures significantly influence resource use. Material stock pattern indicators provide substantial additional insights beyond GDP and other usual indicators. The area of built-up land per capita stands out as a particularly strong predictor, suggesting it deserves attention in sustainability strategies.

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Juan Antonio Duro

Alejandro Pérez-Laborda