ECO-SOS Converses, with Lourdes Beneria
The 1st edition of the ECO-SOS Conversations with Lourdes Beneria (Cornell University), entitled "La història de les cures i l'economia post-pandèmica", will take place on Wednesday 16 June at 12 noon. The event will be in the Sala de Graus, although due to COVID measures the capacity will be very limited (prior registration is required at Since this is a well-known speaker and we hope that the demand is important we have planned a streaming broadcast via MS Teams and Instagram Live. In addition, we will record the event and upload it to our YouTube channel so that everyone can access it. The event will be supported by the URV's Gender Equality Observatory.
Lourdes Beneria is Professor Emeritus at Cornell University (New York) and one of the world's leading specialists in economics and gender. Other awards include the Alice Cook Award (Cornell University, 2000), the Narcís Monturiol Medal (2002, Generalitat de Catalunya), the President Macià Work Medal (2016, Generalitat de Catalunya) and the Creu de Sant Jordi (2018, Generalitat de Catalunya).