Universitat Rovira i Virgili

6th PhD-Student Workshop on Industrial and Public Economics (WIPE), 27-28 February 2018

Conferences  - 

CREIP will host the 6th PhD Workshop on Industrial and Public Economics (WIPE) in Reus (Tarragona, Spain) on 27-28 February 2018. WIPE aims to be an academic meeting where PhD students to interact with other young scholars, postdoc, and senior researchers to exchange experiences, research ideas, ongoing projects and future research activities in the fields of Industrial Organization and Public Economics.

WIPE will include about 18 presentations, each of them being discussed by a member of CREIP.

It will also host a keynote lecture by Alessandro Gavazza (London School of Economics and Editor of The Journal of Industrial Economics). Former keynote speakers at WIPE have been: Luis Cabral (NYU), Jose Luis Moraga-Gonzalez (VU Amsterdam), Tommaso Valletti (Imperial College London), Xavier Vives (IESE), and Massimo Filippini (EHT Zürich).

All presenters must be PhD students. Papers must widely fit into in the fields of Industrial Organization and Public Economics. There is non-refundable fee of EUR 30 and attendants should cover their own travel expenses.

The "Càtedra per al Foment de la innovació Empresarial" will award the Prize "Premi-Innova" to the young researcher presenting the best paper on R&D and Innovation.

Local Organizing Committee

Bernd Theilen (CREIP-URV), Ricardo Flores-Fillol (CREIP-URV), and Eulàlia Torner (CREIP’s staff).

 Scientific Committee

Nektarios Aslanidis (CREIP-URV) , António Osório (CREIP-URV), Mercedes Teruel (CREIP-URV). Sabine Flamand (CREIP-URV)

Paper Submission Procedure

Full Papers should be submitted electronically in PDF format  to creip(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat by 18th December 2017, along with the name, affiliation and contact details of the author(s). The front page of the document should include the title, authors, affiliations, contact details and short abstract.

The deadline for notification of acceptance of full papers is 15 January 2018.



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