Mostrant de 231 a 240 de 317 notícies disponibles
Seminari, Giulio Bottazzi (10/02/2015)
El dia 10 de febrer, a les 13.15h a la Sala de Graus de la FEE, Giulio Bottazzi (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa - Itàlia) presentarà el seu document de treball titulat "On the bosonic nature of business opportunities"
3rd PhD Workshop on Industrial and Public Economics (WIPE), 12th-13th February 2015
CREIP will host the 3rd PhD Workshop on Industrial and Public Economics (WIPE) in Reus (Catalonia, Spain) on 12th-13th February 2015. WIPE aims to be an academic meeting where PhD students, young doctors, postdoc researchers and senior researchers could exchange experiences, research topics, ongoing projects and future research activities on the basis on the Industrial and Public Economics.
Seminari, Antonio di Paolo (02/12/2014)
El dia 2 de desembre, a les 13.15h a la Sala de Graus de la FEE, Antonio di Paolo (AQR-IREA, UAB) presentarà el seu document de treball titulat "The earnings effect of bilingual education. Quasi-experimental evidence from a language of instruction reform"
Seminari, Juan Perote (31/10/2014)
El dia 31 d'octubre, a les 13.15h a la Sala de Graus de la FEE, Juan Perote (UNIZAR) presentarà el seu document de treball titulat "Two-level cooperation in groups and the evolution of moral judgements"
Inauguració del curs acadèmic 2014-2015 del Centre de Recerca en Economia Industrial i Economia Pública (CREIP).
La Conferència inaugural "Una nova mirada a l'estat del benestar: del welfare al workfare" va ser presentada pel Dr. Guillem López Casasnovas, Catedràtic de la UPF i conseller del Banc d'Espanya.
Antonio Russo, Professor de la Facultat de Turisme i Geografia de la URV; Francesc Vives, Gerent de l'Associació Empresaris d'Hostaleria de Tarragona; Octavi Bono, Gerent del Patronat de Turisme de la Diputació de Tarragona; i Francesc Damià Calvet, Director de l'Institut Català del Sòl (INCASOL).
Moderador: Juan Antonio Duro (CREIP, Universitat Rovira i Virgili)
Seminari, Lourdes Moreno (08/10/2014)
El dia 8 d'octubre, a les 13.15h a la Sala de Graus de la FEE, Lourdes Moreno (UCM) presentarà el seu document de treball titulat "National or international public funding? Subsidies or loans? Evaluating the innovation impact of R&D support programmes"
Seminari, Annick Laurelle (30/09/2014)
El dia 30 de setembre, a les 13.15h a la Sala de Graus de la FEE, Annick Laurelle (UPV-Ikerbasque) presentarà el seu document de treball titulat "The dis&approval rule: a characterization"
INFER Workshop in Urban and Regional Economics September, 4th-5th 2014
To submit a paper to the workshop, please send a complete version in pdf format to the email address "" with the subject "Submission to the INFER Workshop in Urban and Regional Economics". The deadline is May 15th 2014.
3rd PhD Workshop on Industrial and Public Economics (WIPE), 12th-13th February 2015
CREIP will host the 3rd PhD Workshop on Industrial and Public Economics (WIPE) in Reus (Catalonia, Spain) on 12th-13th February 2015. WIPE aims to be an academic meeting where PhD students, young doctors, postdoc researchers and senior researchers could exchange experiences, research topics, ongoing projects and future research activities on the basis on the Industrial and Public Economics.