Universitat Rovira i Virgili

PhD Workshop on Industrial and Public Economics (WIPE), 21th-22nd February 2013

Conferencias  - 

CREIP will host the first PhD Workshop on industrial and Public Economics (WIPE) in Reus, on the 21th-22nd February 2013. WIPE aims to be an academic meeting where PhD students, young doctors, postdoc researchers and senior researchers could exchange experiences, research topics, ongoing projects and future research activities on the basis on the Industrial and Public Economics.

WIPE will include about 16 presentations and plenary sessions with one keynote speaker (MassimoFilippini, ETH Zürich and University of Lugano). Papers to be presented must fit into topics of Industrial and Public Economics like, among others, Environmental Economics, Regional Economics, and Markets and Institutions. There are not workshop fees, but attendants should cover their own travel and accomodation expenditures.


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