2nd ECO-SOS Workshop on Economics and Sustainability, 1 October 2021
2nd ECO-SOS Workshop on
Economics and Sustainability:
Transport Challenges
Reus, October 1st 2021
The Research Centre on Economics and Sustainability (ECO-SOS) is a research centre created in 2010 as CREIP (Research Centre in Industrial and Public Economics), that recently moved to sustainability issues, in line with research interests of its members. Specifically, ECO-SOS studies the connection between sustainability and the following areas of interest: environmental and climate economics, health economics, regional and urban economics, education and labor market business and innovation, energy and natural resources, industrial organization, economic policy, game theory and environmental conflicts, and transport and tourism.
Workshop objectives
This workshop provides an opportunity to all those interested in the interaction between sustainability and economic growth and, in general terms to address global challenges faced by our economies when designing growth strategies. In this sense we want to analyze environmental implications of economic activities, quantify its negative externalities and provide proposals to achieve more sustainable growth scenarios.
Researchers are encouraged to submit both empirical and theoretical papers that are broadly consistent with the ECO-SOS areas of interest. However, we welcome specially papers related to the following topics in addition to the main topic of Transport Challenges:
· Sustainability and environmental conflicts.
· Sustainability and territorial strategies.
· Sustainability and energy.
· Sustainability and firm dynamics.
· Sustainability and innovation.
· Sustainability and climate change.
The workshop is open to both young and experienced researchers, Ph.D. students, post-doctoral researchers, and government and non-governmental institutions.
Keynote Speakers
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Stefanie Peer is the Head of the Research Institute for Spatial and Real Estate Economics at the Vienna University of Economics. She is also Associate Professor at the Institute Multilevel Governance and Development. Her research focuses mostly on topics related to transport economics. |
Submission of papers
Full papers should be submitted (in pdf format) to eco-sos@urv.cat by June 18th 2021. Authors are allowed to submit only one paper. Information about acceptance will be send by July 9th. All paper presenters are expected to discuss another paper during the workshop. The assignment of discussants will be distributed to participants by the end of July.
As this workshop intends to create a network among researchers working on sustainability issues, participation without paper presentation is also encouraged. In this case, please send us an e-mail indicating your interest in attending the workshop (before the end of July, for the sake organizing).
Registration and fees
There is a non-refundable fee for all the attendants of EUR 150€. The fee covers coffee breaks, a lunch and a gala dinner, and full access of all activities of the workshop. In case the workshop has to moved online due to the pandemic, fees will be reduced to 50€
Scientific Committee
Josep-Maria Arauzo-Carod (ECO-SOS, Universitat Rovira i Virgili)
Misericòrdia Carles (ECO-SOS, Universitat Rovira i Virgili)
Juan Antonio Duro (ECO-SOS, Universitat Rovira i Virgili)
José Manuel Giménez Gómez (ECO-SOS, Universitat Rovira i Virgili)
António Osório (ECO-SOS, Universitat Rovira i Virgili)
Alejandro Pérez-Laborda (ECO-SOS, Universitat Rovira i Virgili)
Local Organising Committee
Josep-Maria Arauzo-Carod (ECO-SOS, Universitat Rovira i Virgili)
José Manuel Giménez Gómez (ECO-SOS, Universitat Rovira i Virgili)
Eulàlia Torner (ECO-SOS, Universitat Rovira i Virgili): eco-sos@urv.cat