Universitat Rovira i Virgili

11th PhD-Student Workshop on Industrial and Public Economics (WIPE), 9-10 febrer 2023

Del 9 al 10 de febrer de 2023

Aula Magna. Facultat d'Economia i Empresa. Reus

Workshop objectives

The 11th edition of the WIPE workshop has been scheduled for February 9-10 2023, organised by ECO-SOS in Reus, at Universitat Rovira i Virgili.

WIPE aims to be an academic meeting for PhD students to interact with other young scholars, postdoc, and senior researchers to exchange experiences, research ideas, ongoing projects, and future research activities in the fields of Industrial Organization and Public Economics.

WIPE will include about 18-20 presentations, each of them being discussed by a participant at the workshop, will also host a keynote lecture by Inés Macho (UAB and BSE).

Former keynote speakers at WIPE have been: Mar Reguant (Northwestern University), Natalia Fabra (UC3M), Kai Konrad (Max Planck Institute), Mark Armstrong (University of Oxford), Alessandro Gavazza (LSE), Luis Cabral (NYU), Jose Luis Moraga-Gonzalez (VU Amsterdam), Tommaso Valletti (Imperial College London), Xavier Vives (IESE), and Massimo Filippini (ETH Zürich).

Keynote Speaker


Prof. Inés Macho-Stadler presented a paper entitled "Moral hazard in competitive environments"

WIPE Awards During the 11th WIPE:

The Department of Economy awarded the prize for the best paper presented by Ilona Tsanko (ZEW) and the Chair for the Promotion of Business Innovation awarded the prize for the best paper on R+D+i to Josep Tomàs- Porres (ECO-SOS, URV).

    Ilona Tsanko (ZEW)

  Josep Tomàs-Porres (ECO-SOS, URV)          


Financial support:




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